Isle of Wight Jobs Training

Candidate Charter

candidate charter

We are planning to shake up the way people access employment opportunities on the Isle of Wight.

We hope to help transform the perception of recruitment being a purely employer focused industry.

We are redressing the balance, making the jobseeker (that's you) central to all our strategic goals.

Therefore, along side our dedication to adhere to the IRP’s code of conduct (see below) we have added our own promise to jobseekers, along with a few things we expect back from you.

We promise to:  

  • Complete a thorough registration process to find what you are looking for
  • Investigate your desires and goals thoroughly
  • Work with you, if required, to improve your CV
  • Give advice and feedback on interview performance where necessary
  • Work with you to seek out suitable employment opportunities
  • Only send you to interviews with companies you have pre-approved
  • Aim to retrieve swift feedback from employers over you applications
  • To always try to advise you of the best way forward for your career

You promise to:

  • Be open and honest with us about your capabilities and motivation to work
  • Provide us swiftly with the correct documentation to allow us to recruit for you
  • Provide honest and true accounts of your education and work history
  • Attend pre-approved interviews without fail
  • Provide us with feedback about interviews and or offers of employment
  • To work in partnership with us





Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct

In our profession the highest levels of ethics and professionalism are vital to establish an atmosphere of trust with clients and candidates.

The Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct is the very foundation for ethical and
transparent recruitment practices


Standard 1
Respect for Work Relationships

a) In order to establish trust and build productive work relationships, you must exercise due diligence and observe high standards of accuracy of information, advice given and timeliness, to both clients and work seekers.
b) Treat all recruitment professionals with respect and aim to work in a fair and open competitive environment.
c) This standard also seeks to emphasise the importance of applying an ethical and professional approach to customer service standards at all times.

Standard 2
Respect for Honesty and Transparency

a) You must act at all times with integrity, honesty, the highest ethical standards and appropriate behaviour.
b) You will not engage in any activities which would bring the recruitment industry, the REC or the IRP into disrepute.

Standard 3
Respect for Confidentiality and Privacy

You must observe and respect the confidentiality of your clients and work seekers and ensure this is maintained at all stages of the recruitment process.

Standard 4
Respect for Laws

a) You must comply with all relevant legislation, statutory and non-statutory codes and offi cial guidance that will impact on your role in recruitment.
b) In particular, you should make sure that you know what steps to take in order to ensure compliance with the Employment Agencies Act 1973, the Conduct Regulations 2003 (and amendments).

Standard 5
Respect for Diversity

a) You must ensure that you treat all clients and work seekers with dignity and respect, and aim to provide employmentopportunities based on objective business and competency related criteria.
b) You should always promote fair recruitment practices.
c) You should not act on an instruction from a client that may be discriminatory and, where possible, you should provide guidance to clients in respect of good diversity practice.

Standard 6
Commitment to professional development

a) You should ensure that you are well informed about recruitment practices, and that you continually seek to improve your knowledge, skills and qualification base.
b) Use your IRP status to encourage clients to trust your professionalism.
c) Use the IRP designatory letters at all times and appropriately whilst a member of the Institute of Recruitment Professionals.
d) Ensure that you regularly review the IRP notifications sent to you. This will ensure that you are aware of any information that could impact on the recruitment industry and your day-to-day job.

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